- Uneaten food insults the cook. 东西没吃完对厨师是一种侮辱。
- If you do go to a Greek home for dinner, do your best to eat everything on your plate.Uneaten food insults the cook. 如果你真的到希腊人家里吃晚饭,一定要尽量把你盘中的食物吃光。
- if you do go to a greek home for dinner, do your best to eat everything on your plate. uneaten food insults the cook. taking second helpings is the best way to show how much you enjoy the meal. 如果你真的到希腊人家里吃晚饭,一定要尽量把你盘中的食物吃光。东西没吃完对厨师是一种侮辱。吃完再要第二份,最能表示你吃得多尽兴。
- Uneaten food i ults the cook. 东西没吃完对厨师是一种侮辱。
- A small cabin or the cook's galley on a ship. 小舱室,厨房船上的小舱室或厨房
- The cook went to see after the cake left in the oven. 炊事员去照看炉子里的蛋糕了。
- A birthday cake is going to be brought to the table by the cook. 一只生日蛋糕将被厨师放到桌子上。
- It insults the dead when you treat life carelessly. (如果你不珍惜生命,那就是对死者的侮辱。)
- The cook frosted the cake with sugar. 厨师用糖撒在糕点上。
- We feel bad about the unloved toy or the uneaten food. 我们会对不喜欢的玩具或没吃的食物感到过意不去。
- The cook dished out the stew as if he were feeding hogs. 厨师端上一大盘肉.好像在喂猪。
- The clatter only seems to insult the ears. 这些喧闹声看来只会污损我们的耳朵。
- The cook formed the dough into loaves. 厨师把面团做成面包。
- The cook cut up the meat for a stew. 厨师把肉切碎以便于蒸煮。
- Music with dinner is an insult both to the cook and the violinist. 晚餐时听音乐对于厨师和琴师都是一种侮辱。
- The cook poured the sauce over the food. 厨师将调味汁倒在食物上。
- The cook often romped with the young housemaid. 这个厨师常常与那个年轻的保姆调情。
- The cook gets $30 a week and all found. 厨师周薪三十元,并享受免费膳宿。
- Uneaten food must be vacuumed up as quickly as possible, and frequent water changes are important. 食品必须抽真空,尽快落实,并经常变化,水很重要。
- The cook pinches salt into the soup. 厨师在汤里放了一些盐。